Brian Graham
Brian Graham
I have been carving for 20 years and am thoroughly enjoying the experience. I
joined the Outaouais Carving Club in 1992. I joined the executive of the club in
1997 and became the President in 1998. I am now the Newsletter Editor. I have
tried all the types of wood carving: whittling, carving in the round, relief,
woodburning, caricature, and chip carving. I find I do not have the patience for
chip carving, and am not especially fond of caricatures (although I do have fun
with them sometimes; see below); but I really love the relief, carving in the
round, and pyrography.
joined the Outaouais Carving Club in 1992. I joined the executive of the club in
1997 and became the President in 1998. I am now the Newsletter Editor. I have
tried all the types of wood carving: whittling, carving in the round, relief,
woodburning, caricature, and chip carving. I find I do not have the patience for
chip carving, and am not especially fond of caricatures (although I do have fun
with them sometimes; see below); but I really love the relief, carving in the
round, and pyrography.