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32nd Annual Woodcarving Show and Sale
May 7 & 8, 2011
To visit their website for more information about their club and shows
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First Place Best of Show "Eagle" B. David Duncan Harrison, AR
Second Place Best of Show "Conflicted" Deb Bergum Lakeview, AR
Third Place Best of Show "Mesa Verde Table" Kevin Walker Rudy, AR Kevin was also awarded Best Table Display and People's Choice
Novice Division Instructor Assisted: BETTY GREGORY "Pine Warbler"
Novice Division In The Round: BETTY GREGORY "Rainbow Trout"
Novice Division Relief: CLAUDE ROPER "Green Man"
Novice Division Pyrography: BARB EDELBROCK "Prairie Rose "
Novice Division Caricature: CLAUDE ROPER "Mountain Carver"
Novice Division Miscellaneous: BETTY GREGORY "Spoon"
Realistic Human Figure: JIM LEIFELD "Coming Out"
Realistic Human Figure: DICK DULANEY "Female Bust"
Realistic Animal - single: B. DAVID DUNCAN "Cottontail"
Realistic Animal Bust - single or group: JACKIE MILLER "Horse Bust"
Realistic Group - Animal, Human or Mix: JIM LEIFELD "Nativity"
Realistic Fish / Marine / Aquatic Life - single or group: GARY TURNER "German Brown & Two Rainbows"
Songbird - single or group: NEIL NULTON "Barn Swallow"
Bird of Prey - single or group: B. DAVID DUNCAN "Eagle"
Shorebird - single or group: NEIL NULTON "Killdeer"
Game Bird - single or group: B. DAVID DUNCAN "American Woodcock"
Ducks / Waterfowl - single or group B. DAVID DUNCAN "Blue Wing Teal"
Caricature Human - single: WM. EARL GRAY "Cowboy"
Caricature Human or Animal in a Scene DENNY VILLWOK "Elect Me"
Caricature Animal, Bird or Fish - single: KATHI CLARK "Bobble-Head Squirrel"
Caricature Bust: DENNY VILLWOK "Indian"
Caricature Group: SANDY SMITH "Stop! Stepping on that makes Mommy cry."
Pyrography: CATHY STILL "Pueblo"
Driftwood: PAUL BAUMANN III "Driftwood Spirit"
Bark Carving : JERRY ANGLEN "Dream House"
Relief - Buildings/Structures: KEVIN WALKER "Mesa Verde Table"
Relief - Human(s): DEB BERGUM "Conflicted"
Relief - Animal(s), Bird(s), Insect(s), etc.: JO McKENZIE "Owl"
Relief - Miscellaneous: RUSS BIROS "Bellows"
Chip Carving - Positive Image/Gouge: WARREN RAUSCHER "Chip Carved Container"
Chip Carving - Negative Image: TIMOTHY HIGGINSON "Quilt Rack"
Jewelry: MARY ADAMS "Pendant"
Novelties / Bottle Stoppers: RONNIE STILL "Mug"
Spoons: B. DAVID DUNCAN "Spoon Bill"
Canes / Staffs: CAROL WHERRY "Spiral Cane"
Santa Claus: CHUCK BAILEY "Special Ops Santa"
Holiday Items : JO McKENZIE "Halloween Egg"
Mythical & Carousel Figures (single or group): DICK DULANEY "Buddah"
Wood Turning - Bowls / Goblets / Vases: PHIL WILES "Segmented Bowl" (661 pieces)
Wood Turning - Pen: FRANK NIXON "Flag Pen"
All Other Turnings: PHIL WILES "Cremation Urn"
Stylized: NEIL NULTON "Sand Piper"
Miniature (must fit inside a 2-inch cube): JIM LEIFELD "Sea Turtle"
Rough-outs: CHUCK BAILEY "Mountain Man"
Instructor Assisted : SANDY SMITH "Ben Franklin" Instructor: Fred Cogelow
Miscellaneous: NEIL NULTON "Spice Bush Swallowtail"
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